
Professional Visual Quran Memorization Training

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The use of encoding in memorizing the Quran is a brilliant trick to make the path of memorization easier and to prevent potential errors. The Holy Quran contains many verses that are similar to each other, making it challenging to memorize them. Consequently, memorizers often face difficulties in recalling the correct order or position of the verses during recitation. This can make the task challenging! Understanding the connection between verses and pages greatly aids in the retrieval and recalling of memorized content. In this article, we will explore methods to address this issue.

Six Essential Tips for Effective Encoding in Quran Memorization

A significant challenge many memorizers face after memorizing several sections of the Quran is encountering similar verses. Various methods and tricks are employed to properly recall the position of these verses in the Quran. Typically, many people use coding and encoding methods to register new words in their memory when learning a new language. This method is also applicable in memorizing the Quran. Usually, this technique is personal, and each individual has a different encoding approach. However, utilizing the experiences of others can always help in executing this task correctly and effectively. The memorization booklet of Quranic verse numbers, which is the result of the experiences of one of the Quran memorizers, can assist you in this regard. Below are the points to consider while choosing the right code:

1. Be Creative: Try to avoid using and memorizing others’ codes as much as possible, as this will not only not be helpful but also forceful memorization can strain the memory. Instead, use their experiences to create a code that suits your mental structure.

2. Utilize Interpretations of Verses: Sometimes, understanding the content of a verse more deeply can form a picture or story in the mind, assisting in recalling the memorized content.

3. Maintain Balance in Encoding: Always stay moderate on the path of memorization. Encoding should only be used for specific verses where there is a high chance of error, or it will also complicate remembering the codes themselves.

4. Avoid Conditioning the Mind: Try to stay active and diligent on the memorization path and engage your mind. Use different methods to solve the challenges that arise along this path. Constant use of encoding conditions the mind and prevents it from functioning correctly, resulting in disruption in memorization and short-term memory fatigue.

5. Take Notes: Sometimes, issues with similar verses can be easily resolved by writing them down. The memorizer should note similar cases in a notebook and review them periodically. As beautifully stated by Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) regarding the writing of knowledge: “The heart finds tranquility in writing.”

6. Pay Attention and Respect to the Quran: Always prioritize respect for the Quran at every stage of memorization. Some people use codes that don’t have a correct meaning or significance, which distracts the mind from the profound divine knowledge. As previously mentioned, using meaning and understanding significantly aids in memorization.

Note: Never attempt to mark or indicate something as a code in the margin of your memorized Quran for recalling verses. This leads to mental laziness.

Avoid Memorizing Verse Numbers and Page Numbers!

You may have tried various methods to memorize verse numbers and page numbers. It’s important to know that memorizing these numbers neither helps nor affects recalling memorized content. Over time, you’ll find that it makes memorization more challenging and leads to errors in presenting what you’ve memorized. Instead of this, choose a suitable and principled method for your memorization path. Memorizing the verse numbers and even their placement on the page should occur spontaneously, without straining your memory. Doing this separately puts stress on the memory. Some believe dividing verses into even and odd pages enhances their visual memory. If you want to do this, you need to consider the right and left pages of the Osmani Quran. However, this method doesn’t affect the durability of the verses in your mind. The principle is that the memorizer remembers the exact position of the verse on the page, knowing if it’s on the left or right page and in which section. This can be achieved effectively with principled methods and visualization.

If you still want to learn how to memorize verse numbers, you can do so through these four methods:

1. Memorizing the verse number as part of the verse and reviewing it as part of the memorized content.

2. Writing and reviewing verses along with their numbers.

3. Memorizing multiples (in this method, only multiples of 5 are memorized: 5, 10, 15, etc.).

4. Using personal encoding (this code can be chosen based on the meaning, movement, or phrases of the verse).

Important Pages Checklist for Quran Memorization

According to experience, certain pages of the Holy Quran are more challenging relative to others, requiring more effort and energy to memorize and recall. These pages might pose challenges for memorizers, so extra diligence is recommended when memorizing them. There are 20 such pages, and each section of the Quran consists of 20 pages. In our memorization classes, we recommend memorizers consider the sections of the Quran as 31 parts. After memorizing the main 30 parts, proceed to the 31st part again. This part includes the following pages: 164, 171, 351, 409, 450, 453, 457, 495, 496, 497, 499, 518, 525, 530, 532, 556, 565, 572, 573, 588. Note these numbers somewhere for yourself, and whenever you reach these pages, focus more intently on memorizing them.

Techniques for Encoding Similar Verses

Similar verses pose a challenge for all memorizers at some point in their memorization journey. The issue of interference and error in recalling these verses becomes more apparent after memorizing several sections. Remember, not all Quranic verses share the same structure; some are longer, some shorter, and some are repetitive and similar to others. Different methods exist for memorizing similar verses. First, divide the similarities into direct and indirect categories. Direct similarities include verses that have significant resemblance, while indirect similarities, despite their lesser resemblance, have the potential for error. The best approach is to underline the similar verses with a different color. This has a direct impact on visual memory and eases the review of these verses. Precise learning of the similarities provides great encoding assistance to memorizers.

Final Words

Upon completing memorization, maintaining the memorized content becomes a significant concern for memorizers. A memorizer’s knowledge results from years of tireless effort. The Quran, full of diverse and similar verses, can benefit greatly from encoding to ensure its retention. Different methods, such as focusing on meaning and interpretation, sentence construction, word formation, repetition, imaging, and more, can be used for this purpose. It is recommended to use encoding in a balanced and principled manner.

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