If we think of memorizing all 30 parts of the Holy Quran at once, it may seem daunting, even if you possess an excellent memory. The initiation of learning any skill is typically challenging; however, by breaking down a significant and complicated task into smaller, manageable parts and progressing with them according to a structured plan, one can achieve a desirable outcome within a short period. Memorizing the Quran is a skill that with the acquisition of its tricks and methods, the path becomes very sweet and easy. Moreover, the guidance and assistance of the Almighty are always with the memorizers along this journey. So, let’s leave behind negative thoughts and past failures and accompany us to release the worry of commencing the journey of memorization through the end of this essay.
Breaking Down: The Key to Overcoming the Difficulty of Memorization
The perception of memorizing the Quran as difficult generally forms for several reasons in enthusiasts’ minds. Initially, the view of the sheer volume of Quranic verses can unconsciously instill fear of how one might store such an amount of information in their memory. Another reason why many find this path difficult is receiving incorrect advice, fueling negative emotions by adopting methods from individuals who repeatedly tried to memorize the Quran incorrectly but unfortunately faced failure shortly afterward. It’s a challenge most memorizers encounter in the beginning, and the only escape from this erroneous perception is through one’s own resolve and determination, which only arise through proper research and answers to arising questions and challenges.
Imagine you are tasked with memorizing all of Ferdowsi’s poems; even though they are in Persian, understanding them is incredibly challenging and requires the necessary skill. Moreover, you might not be particularly interested in undertaking this task, which complicates matters further! Nonetheless, the more you focus on the Quran as a large book, the larger and more difficult the issue becomes in your mind. Typically, most individuals who decide to memorize the Quran wish to memorize the entire Quran, which means they all have a very large goal. This goal is certainly admirable, but it doesn’t happen all at once. The human mind reacts negatively to a heavy task; therefore, it’s better to think, “I will memorize the first part this month, and, God willing, the second part the following month,” and by doing this, it won’t be long before you achieve your goal.
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) advised Muslims regarding difficult tasks by saying: “Whenever you fear doing something, throw yourself into it and do it, for the fear of the task is much greater than the task itself.”
Choosing the Right Method Smooths the Path of Memorization
The Holy Quran is filled with rules and clear principles, the understanding of which illuminates the divine words for enthusiasts and simplifies memorization. Initially, a memorizer is akin to a first grader who cannot yet read or write and gradually learns the basic alphabet to enter the sweet world of reading and writing. We recommend making the right decision from the start and selecting a suitable method for learning the principles of your path in memorization, which complements the needs and memory type of the memorizer.
Some methods are overly intensive, forcing the memorizer to retain a part of the Quran within a short timeframe. Such methods place significant pressure on the memory, causing fatigue and disenchantment over a brief period. Additionally, these methods often do not prioritize enough time for initial reviews and repetitions, leading to the primary reason behind memorization forgetfulness, which is the excessive accumulation of information and neglecting past verses due to the lack of review and repetition.
One of the most systematic and comprehensive methods that have been embraced by many enthusiasts in the field of Quran memorization is the visual memorization method. In this approach, the memorizer engrains a clear, lasting image of the Quranic pages from the Uthman Taha script in their mind. This process strengthens memory and transfers verses into the brain through visual memory, then reinforces them through cognitive and auditory memory channels. The enduring power and pleasures of this method lie in its comprehensive examination of verses because the memorizer retains Quranic verses in an applicable manner. Consequently, when presenting memorized contents, the memorizer can easily project the image of verses before their eyes. It’s akin to someone mentioning the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A) and you instantaneously recalling the shrine with substantial detail; similarly, in this method, the verses become imprinted in your mind.
Note: For choosing the appropriate method and program, an individual must initially understand their personal circumstances and memory type, and based on their level, select a methodical approach suitable for them.
5 Essential Tips to Know Before Memorization
The more the enthusiasts understand how to perform the act of memorizing the Quran, the stronger their viewpoint and self-confidence will be as they begin their memorization journey. There are numerous general matters and tips concerning this, which we have attempted to thoroughly address in our site’s articles; amidst them, we consistently regard five topics as the most essential pre-requisites for any memorizer. It is imperative to familiarize oneself with these before starting memorization, to embark on this journey with deserving insight from the onset.
Planning and Goal-setting: Perhaps the repeated hearing of the word ‘planning’ has become a cliché for you. However, it’s undeniable—without a structured program and commitment to it, you won’t even manage to memorize a single verse properly and with a peaceful mind. Planning commits you, instills confidence and peace of mind, and eliminates many mental disarray and disturbing thoughts that might occur during memorization. Align your planning with a correct purpose since a purposeful goal alone helps keep you eager to follow the plan consistently.
Discovering the “Golden” Memorization Hour: At the start of their memorization journey, memorizers continually search for tips to boost their performance. The question, “What time of day is best for memorization?” is an initial challenge they face. In addressing this, it should be noted that there isn’t a specific hour, and this is determined through trying different times; therefore, every individual’s “Golden” hour varies based on their living conditions and daily commitments.
Revisiting and Repeating Memorized Material: The memorized verses which you’ve strived hard to retain are crucial and valuable. Eliminate the notion of “I’ll get to reviewing them later” from your mind from the start, and as you have a structured plan for initial memorization, ensure you have a detailed and organized plan for reviewing the memorized material regularly.
Choosing a Practice Partner: Some memorizers are typically quite reclusive and usually shy away from gatherings. Quranic events offer an excellent opportunity for validating your memorized materials. The more you engage with your memorized verses, the brighter your future will become. From the start, choose a practice partner and advance your review schedules together. A practice partner instills motivation for continuing the memorization journey.
Avoid Comparisons: If you genuinely wish to memorize the Quran, rest assured that God will be with you throughout the entire path. Remember that Satan always attempts to divert you from this blessed journey through various methods. One such temptation is comparing your memorization level with others. After all, learning capabilities vary from one person to another; you may fall behind a bit, but this doesn’t mean you won’t succeed. Don’t rush; proceed with trust in God.
Memorizing the Quran, with all its ups and downs, is one of the meritorious actions in the sight of God, which in itself motivates every Muslim toward it. A disciplined and well-planned memorizer will certainly succeed. Fatigue and setbacks along the way are natural; to overcome negative thoughts, one of the best practices often recommended to memorizers is to study the virtues and degrees of Quran memorization narrated by eminent figures throughout history, including the holy Imams. Remember that even memorizing a single verse makes you a memorizer of the Quran, and the Quran will always remain as your guardian in life and the hereafter.
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