In the name of God
Hello to dear memorizers and those interested in the Quran memorization
It’s required for someone who starts the memorization process to know well what type of memory they have and what strengths and weaknesses they have and they should realize them in the first Juz they’ve started.
Because some people who are at the Quran memorization have progressed to 5 or 6 Juz, but they haven’t yet got what their memories look like.
As a person who came in this field, It’s so important to achieve proficiency about the explicit and implicit details of your memory and what strengths and weaknesses it has. However, each memory has its own strengths and weaknesses and no one can’t help you better than yourself Of course, a proficient master or coach can be effective in this process and you should have them It’s said in the Quran “Rather, man, against himself, will be a witness”.
This means you should know the details of memorization practices, in terms of concentration, remembrance of the meanings and images, mistakes, problems, questions and suspicions which may be arisen during repetitions and a composition which is called “the type of memory”.
Of course, about how many forms of memories are there, it can be said that there are four main forms which are taught in classes But generally, you should know there are a short-term and a long-term memory and these vary from person to person.
Some ones have a good and prehensile short-term memory Of course, they may not have a good long-term memory and for some others it’s converse.
Of course, there is no need to be worry about them Both of these memories can be enhanced, revived and advanced.
And as said before, you’re required to know what strengths and weaknesses your memory has and plan to overcome your weaknesses and try to early realize your mistakes.
Perhaps, several months or a few years after starting memorization, some memorizers may not be attentive to the daily status and details of their memory.
For example, some of them haven’t still known how long a recitation should take to make ready their short-term memory. Some memorizers work on their memory as if they practice boxing.
I mean, instead of interacting well with their memory, and meeting their short-term memory needs such as looking in different positions, the length of the verse they choose to send to their memory, and combining visual, vocal and perceptual repetitions, since they haven’t still known how to be proficient in this regard, they suffer self-bothering and they annoy themselves another problem in this regard is that the memorizer sometimes expects their short-term memory to behave like their long-term memory.
While the short-term memory behaves based on its nature I mean, it receives your memorized verses at first and those verses may remain in short-term memory for a few days up to one week which varies from person to person.
Of course, this persistence can be improved by repetitions and can be developing.
Generally, as I said, you should know how your memory reflexes are and what specific strengths and weaknesses your memory has. Because they’re individual and how it looks like exactly.
In fact, while performing your memorization plans for first months you should monitor your status and write it down and interact with your master in this regard.
May you be successful and make way, God willing.