Successful path to memorize the Holy Quran
The introductory course of memorizing the Holy Quran
In this training course, the holder of the first place in the World Quran Memorization Competition, Dr. Ali Rajabi, Iran’s first first-class memorization teacher, will provide the experiences of a lifetime of effort and success in the field of easy and lasting memorization to those who are interested in memorizing the Holy Words of Allah.
- Memory enhancement
- Easy, practical, and lasting memorization
- Mind input control
- Concentration improvement
Master Rajabi
Number of participants
Course level
Beginner to advanced
Number of videos
28 episodes
Above 8 years old
Hafizun Premium Course
Free introductory Quran memorization training
Teaching basic memory skills
Participate in the Novel Memory Workshop
In this workshop, many questions and problems that arise in the minds of the memorizers at the beginning of the path of memorizing the Quran have been investigated. By participating in this workshop, those interested will learn the basics of the Quran memorization intensively, and by knowing the titles, headings, and specialized steps to strengthen memory and improve concentration, they will step into the field of Quran memorization with a worthy perspective.